wheat-grain-eat bread 90

You Can Eat Bread on Paleo with This! Day 31

When Holista Foods sent in their paleo bread, I was puzzled. Why make bread that has no grains? I don’t understand. So I did some research.

The Paleo Diet

Simply put, it emulates the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, and it advocates consumption of unprocessed animals and plants, including meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. I don’t know where bread fits into this diet. If you study the diet itself, it gets boring after a while, and there needs to be a carrier for all these fish, meat and eggs.

Paleo bread from Holista Foods-.

Paleo bread from Holista Foods.

Therefore, someone created the paleo bread, using a flour blend of coconut, almonds, seeds and eggs.

And because it’s made without grain, it is also a gluten-free bread. Some of there other benefits include:

  • All Natural
  • Clean and Clear Label
  • Non GMO
  • No Grains
  • No Dairy
  • No Soy

It is a difficult bread to make, so hats off to Holista Foods who makes it possible to make a great tasting product!

Here’s what I ate on Day 31 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Holista Foods® Paleo Bread 1 loaf (300) 219
Holist Foods® Low GI Bread 6 slices (25g) 334.5
Apple 1 95
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Deli Chicken Breast 3 slices 50
Almond and cashew nut butters 2 Tbsp 190
Grilled Pork 2 oz 150
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 160
Orange 1 orange 81
Spaghetti with meatballs 2 C 400
Coconut water 2 C 100
Calcium Supp
Bike -100
Total 1979.5


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