bread wheat whole grains

Grains are not for Human Consumption: Day 43 and 44

I usually don’t engage with negative criticism on social media. However, I’m on this journey to prove that bread and grains are safe to eat and should not be avoided. Therefore I have to address each and every negative comment that comes to me about them.

A self-proclaimed nutritionist attacked my post saying that he/she has studied nutrition for many years and found there are serious dangers in eating grains. Grains are not good for the body as we don’t digest them properly, especially in bread products due to the gluten. He/she ended with saying that Nutella (my favorite) has corn syrup which can cause cancer. This grain myth is so far from the truth.

Before you place judgement on this person’s non-scientific based opinions, I caution you to not shoot the messenger.

There is so much bad information on nutrition out there and many consumers are not getting the right information from the internet. What I truly believe is that this ‘nutrition’ information is contorted by companies/ professionals selling their new age diets and services. Google ‘grains are bad’ and you will find a holistic community that is fueled by the paleo and the dangerous keto diet.* The Paleo community is so banked on selling their books and diet plans that they will do whatever it takes. Including making grains and bread look bad, even though they are as benign as water.

grains whole grains eating grains

Getting honest about grains

I feel it is more important now than ever that my journey not be sponsored or endorsed by any associations, so I can provide an honest opinion on bread and grains. Hey look, I’m not going to ask the paleo, keto and low carb diet community to stop.

However, while you preach eating a diet that is torturous and not scientifically sound,* do not condemn safe-to-eat foods like bread and grains, which has been a safe sustenance for billions of people since the beginning of civilization.

So in response to this, I dug into bread that has a ton of grains and seeds – Franz® Great Seeds and 24 Grains and Seeds. #IdontWannaEatLikeACaveman

*The keto diet places extreme stress on the body. It must be medically supervised. The fact that your body burn proteins for fuel, it is not selective on which proteins it burns. Therefore, ketosis happens in your vital muscles, like your heart, kidneys, liver and intestines. While many holistic communities don’t talk about this danger, it should be known that the #1 advocate of the keto diet himself, Dr. Atkins, had cardiomyopathy and a suspected history of congestive heart failures.

Here’s what I ate on Days 43 and 44 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Day 43
Franz Twenty Four Grains and seeds 7 slices (45g) 770
Franz Great Seed 5 (28g) 400
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Coconut water 1 L 180
Smoked Ham 4 Slices 60
Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 100
Apple 1 95
Dark Chocolate Penut Butter 2 Tbsp 170
Apricot Sugar-Free Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Sauteed Spinach 1 C 48
Chicken wing 1 50
Orange 1 orange 45
Papaya 1C 67
Bike -100
Calcium Supp
Total 2025
Day 44
Franz Twenty Four Grains and se 7 slices (45g) 770
Franz Great Seed 5 (28g) 400
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Donut 1 150
Apricot Sugar-Free Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Steak, caramelized onions and sauteed mushroom sandwich 1 300
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Orange 1 orange 45
Berries 1C 90
Bike -200
Calcium Supp
Total 1995


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Week Six Weigh-in

day 35 weigh in

Day 35 weigh-in. Total calories consumed this week: 14,952.


week 6 weigh-in

Day 42 weigh-in. Total weekly calories consumed: 14,010.


Almost half way through my 90 days, and I’m still doing good! I’m still feeling full and satisfied with my slices of bread, and don’t feel the need to snack thorough the day. I’m still getting in my exercise, and I still have energy and feel healthy. My weight is still in a good place. I’m still going strong for the rest of these 48 days.



What Do You Drink? Day 37

Today is another white bread kind of day. So I mixed it up with Oroweat’s 100% Whole Wheat and Artesano white bread. This is about the third time I’ve got to enjoy eating Artesano. It really toasts up very well.

Sara Lee's Artesano bread.

Sara Lee’s Artesano bread.

There has been inquiries on my beverage consumption. Do you not drink soda? How about alcohol? Don’t you need caffeine? No, no and yes.

I drink about 10 cups of water on most days. I don’t measure it out. It has always been part of my routine. Or perhaps it’s been my mom nagging me all these years. I love water and I don’t really need anything else. I view soda and alcohol as empty calories. That is the main reason I don’t consume either. Honestly, I’d rather consume my calories in a foreign sounding dessert (Kouign Amman anyone?) than a large cup of soda or a milk shake.

I do ONE cup of black coffee in the morning, with Stevia, therefore I don’t report it in my caloric consumption. I really believe in the potent antioxidant content in coffee, I’m a true believer in good coffee, and one cup of caffeine is really all I need to drive me through the day.

Mixing it up

As Connie told me to increase my calcium consumption in the form of nut milk, I decided to be bold and try different nut milks. The almond kind was okay. Bland, but palatable. Then I tasted Cashew nut milk last night. It was the most horrendous drink I have ever consumed. It tasted like a slurry of chalk and Elmer’s glue! Did this big brand even send this product for sensory testing? How can it be ok to sell this? I want my money back. Least to say, it would be cruel for me to pass this nut milk off to someone at NedSpace, so I had to pour it down the sink.

One thing I cannot get enough of is coconut water. I drink it because it is high in potassium and I need potassium to counteract the sodium levels in my bread diet. It has calories, so I do limit myself to 2 cups a day. I stock up on coconut water at the Asian grocery store. They are much cheaper there because they import it directly from Thailand (coconut water capitol of the world).

Yes, I do drink many kinds of healthy beverages, but I also keep away from unhealthy ones. A good diet is all about making the right choices, and understanding where your calories are coming from. With this diet, I hope to show you that you can have a ton of fun, eat the food that you enjoy, and not gain a single pound.  I can do it. So can you!

Here’s what I ate on Day 37 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Oroweat® Whole Grains 6 slices (38g) 480
Sara Lee® Artesano 6 slices (38g) 600
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 160
Coconut water 2 C 100
Butter 1 Tbsp 100
Homemade Pesto 1 Tbsp 80
Yogurt Cheese Spread 1 Tbsp 22.5
Nutella 1 Tbsp 100
BBQ Pork 2 oz 140
Sauteed Greens 100g 150
Orange 1/2 orange 40
Blueberries 1/2 C 40
Strawberries 4 20
Run -500
Total 1532.5


french bread slice

The Bread Police: Day 36

I had Alvarado St. Bakery’s Sprouted Whole Wheat tucked neatly behind my computer today so no one could see it and my desk wouldn’t be so cluttered. Usually, I’d pile my bread up on a plate beside my computer and ate away at the pile for the rest of the day. I felt that this really dries up the bread slices, and the bread doesn’t taste good at the end of the day. So I stopped prepping my bread slices in the morning, and I prepare them all throughout the day. Slice by slice.

sprouted bread alvarado st bakery meat

A delicious sandwich made with sprouted whole wheat bread.

Apparently I didn’t let the Bread Police (a.k.a. my biggest fans) know about this change. A couple of them came by my desk, didn’t see my neat pile of bread slices, and started lecturing me. “Where is your bread? Why aren’t you eating your bread?” Chill, mateys! Breads right here behind the computer.

I guarantee you all, I’m still devouring over a pound of bread a day. Today, I even had the privilege of sneaking a delicious cranberry bagel in there (fruit + bread = my weakness). Also, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve added coconut water to my diet for the potassium. I really am glad I found this natural source of electrolytes. It’s really delicious and low calorie also. Don’t worry my friends, no need for the sirens, I’m still eating my bread.

Here’s what I ate on Day 36:

Food Portion Calories
Alvarado St. Bakery Sprouted 100% Whole Wheat 9 slices (43g) 810
Cranberry Bagel 1 (108g) 310
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Coconut water 2 C 100
Smoked Ham 4 Slices 60
Whipped Mixed Berry Spread 2 Tbsp 50
Apple 1 95
Dark Chocolate Penut Butter 2 Tbsp 170
Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 100
Sauteed Spinach 1 C 48
slice swiss cheese 1 Slice 106
Roasted Vegetables 1 Tbsp 100
Lox 2oz 120
Chicken wings 4 160
Fresh pineapple 1 C 82
Walk -345
Calcium Supp
Total 2066


scale- weigh-in-eat bread 90

Week Five Weigh-in

day 28 weigh in

Day 28 weigh-in. Total weekly calories consumed: 15,070


day 35 weigh in

Day 35 weigh-in. Total calories consumed this week: 14,952.

The effects of eating my way through Seattle was diminished by my bread diet. I’m back to feeling my normal self. This is the start of an incredibly sunny week in Portland so I might even run a little more. Just giving you a heads up that my increase in activity, supported by my bread eating diet, may affect my weigh-in next week.

wheat-grain-eat bread 90

You Can Eat Bread on Paleo with This! Day 31

When Holista Foods sent in their paleo bread, I was puzzled. Why make bread that has no grains? I don’t understand. So I did some research.

The Paleo Diet

Simply put, it emulates the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, and it advocates consumption of unprocessed animals and plants, including meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. I don’t know where bread fits into this diet. If you study the diet itself, it gets boring after a while, and there needs to be a carrier for all these fish, meat and eggs.

Paleo bread from Holista Foods-.

Paleo bread from Holista Foods.

Therefore, someone created the paleo bread, using a flour blend of coconut, almonds, seeds and eggs.

And because it’s made without grain, it is also a gluten-free bread. Some of there other benefits include:

  • All Natural
  • Clean and Clear Label
  • Non GMO
  • No Grains
  • No Dairy
  • No Soy

It is a difficult bread to make, so hats off to Holista Foods who makes it possible to make a great tasting product!

Here’s what I ate on Day 31 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Holista Foods® Paleo Bread 1 loaf (300) 219
Holist Foods® Low GI Bread 6 slices (25g) 334.5
Apple 1 95
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Deli Chicken Breast 3 slices 50
Almond and cashew nut butters 2 Tbsp 190
Grilled Pork 2 oz 150
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 160
Orange 1 orange 81
Spaghetti with meatballs 2 C 400
Coconut water 2 C 100
Calcium Supp
Bike -100
Total 1979.5


brown eat bread 90

Control Your Blood Sugar with This Low GI Bread: Day 29

Yes. I ate a lot of bread today. It’s almost half a day of yesterday’s loaf, plus today’s bread. Least to say, it was a lot of calories, but I had to make up for the bread I didn’t eat yesterday. I’m on a schedule, and my plan was not to break up the 90 days.

assorted bread- eat bread 90

Toasted Ciabatta that melts in your mouth from Grand Central Baking, with Rye Sourdough, Low GI and Paleo bread. Oh what a mix!

A low GI bread?

A special bread arrived at my office today. It was a low GI bread (Glycemic Index) from Holista Foods. We tried this in a group setting and I found the feedback interesting. Most people are not aware that white bread sends their blood sugar up the roof. Therefore, diabetics tend to shy away from white bread.

Holista Foods has patented an ingredient system, when used at 8% in the formula, lowers your GI index. I thought maybe it was a system of gums and starches that they were using, but I was so surprised when I talked to Nadja Piatka (CEO, Holista Foods) and learned it was not so.

low GI bread by Holista Foods.

Low GI Bread by Holista Foods.

They use a patented system of fenugreek, pulses, okra and fiber to achieve this low GI application. They even had tests confirm this system at the GI labs in Toronto, The University of Sydney, Australia and the University of Oxford, England.

Their readings were below 55m which is unprecedented for white bread!

Here’s what I ate on Day 29 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Low GI bread 6 slices (25g) 334.5
Paleo bread 4 slices (25g) 173
Grand Central Baking Ciabatta Loaf 200g 560
Grand Central Baking Rye Sourdough 4 slices (50g) 560
Almond and cashew nut butters 2 Tbsp 190
Apricot Sugar-Free Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Grilled Chicken 1 Thigh 180
Green Beans 1 C 30
Apple 1 95
Orange 1 orange 45
Total 2207.5


king street station - eat bread 90, places

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

“Today is your day

You’re off to Great Places!

You’re off and away!”

-Dr. Seuss

I have bread on my mind, and feet in my shoes. I can steer myself in any direction I choose. I went to Seattle for a vacation and ate bread at the King Street Train Station.

king street station - eat bread 90

I looked up and down streets; looked them over with care. Then I said, “I want to go there.” It’s Pike’s Street Market, a place with fresh fish. They threw them in the air, they threw them without a care.

At Cow Chip I did not find any, because they were closed. I kept my money and onward I did move, because I know I will find something else to approve.

I saw La Panier and drooled at their macaroons. I said to myself, I have to eat three by noon. So delicious they were, I ate all three at the Very French Bakery.

La Panier

I had so much fun eating, I wished I was staying. But I found this place, where wedding bells were playing.

Will I succeed, in eating all this bread? Yes, I will indeed (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed). At the magnificent Space Needle I had to stare, I ate all that bread even with the wind in my hair.

Space Needle

So be it sourdough, focaccia or ciabatta, today is the day! Your belly is waiting. So get on your way!

scale- weigh-in-eat bread 90

Week Three Weigh-in

Now, before you go running down the street yelling, “She’s gained weight. Oh My God, she’s eating all this bread and she’s gained weight!!” Remember, the body does fluctuate over a pound every day.  My body reacts similarly to everyone’s in terms of fluctuations.

Two weeks ago, my weigh in was 147.4 lb. Last week’s weigh in was 147.0 lb; this week is 147.8 lb. I feel this is within the standard deviation of my weight. So no alarm here. I haven’t gained weight with this bread diet (maybe I shouldn’t eat any desserts…nah).

weigh-in - week 1 - eat bread 90

My weight at the end of week one.


My weight at the end of week three.


No Need for a Sugar-high: Day 19

sugar-diabetic-eat bread 90

Sprouted diabetic lifestyle bread from Alvarado St. Bakery.

I’m really digging this Sprouted Diabetic Lifestyle bread from Alvarado St. Bakery. Their organic grains are sprouted and directly made into bread sweetened by only organic dates. This produced a bread that was clinically proven by the Glycemic Research Institute in Washington DC, to be low glycemic.

A low-glycemic diet is one that selects foods on the basis of minimal alteration of circulating glucose levels. Glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) are measures of the effect on blood glucose level after a food containing carbohydrates is consumed. Remember, a low glycemic diet is helpful to diabetics managing their blood sugar. Whether it applies to the rest of us or not is arguable. The push that all carbs are not created equal, and the creation of the low GI diet has propelled the South beach and high protein diets.

I believe this bread would suit those diets very well. However, I still like eating this bread because it has a very low sugar content, and yet, it was very palatable when eaten by itself. I have a lot of respect for Alvarado St. Bakery who has put so much work into producing this type of bread. Today is unusually sunny and in the 70s in Portland. I ended this long crazy week with w 5K run down the waterfront corridor. Portland weather is turning amazing and I may eat more bread because of this.

Here’s what I ate on Day 19 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Alvarado St. Bakery Sprouted California Style 7 slices (34g) 630
Alvarado St. Bakery Sprouted Diabetic Lifestyle 6 slices (34g) 480
Apricot preserve 3 Tbsp 150
Salami 6 Slices 180
Barney ® Almond butter Vanilla + Espresso 1 Tbsp 95
Orange 1 orange 45
Quiche 1 250
Run -444
TOTAL 1386