bread crumbs

Is This the End of My Bread Diet? What a Journey it’s Been!

“Aren’t you glad you’re not on your bread diet anymore?”

Honestly, it’s with a heavy heart that I agree with that statement. Mainly because I am sad I’ve come to the end of this bread diet. I’ve indulged in eating a loaf a day, and It’s been 90 days of non-stop eating for me to get all that bread down.

I’ve eaten bread from far-away places, and more bread than anyone I know. I’m so honored to the bakers from around America, across the sea to Germany and Switzerland and all the way south from Brazil. Thank you for sending in your bread, thank you for supporting me on this journey. Thank you for assisting me in my message that BREAD IS NOT BAD.

Throughout my bread diet, so many people have pulled me aside to warn me. And here are what many of them said to me:

  1. Bread is bad for you, it will make you put on weight.
  2. Do you know gluten causes inflammation in your body?
  3. Man was not designed to digest grains, eating all that bread would cause you to become intolerant to gluten.
  4. Bread is a processed food that you need to avoid.
  5. White bread is so bad for you, avoid at all cost.

Guess what? None of that is true.

I have not gained a single pound eating a loaf a day and my energy levels, are through the roof.

The whole purpose of my journey was to disprove these biased, non-science based information on bread. I’ve eaten bread all my life, I play with it, I research it. I know the science behind it. That is why I started this journey—to eat so much bread so that I can prove that it is safe to consume bread.

Is a Bread Diet for Everyone?

If you suffer from diabetes, absolutely not. But don’t discount the low GI breads that I experienced on my journey. You should check those out my blog on Days 19 and 31. For people with Celiac disease, you can consume gluten-free breads and they can be found on my blogs on Days 30 and 73. For the majority of the American population, bread is a nutritious portable food that is safe for consumption.

You know, I’ve received a lot of criticism concerning how I carried out my journey. One of them was, “Hey Lin, you are only one data point, that doesn’t prove anything.” Just let me be clear. I was not carrying out an experiment. I was using data and science-based information that has been generated from decades of research, to show that those experiments and nutritional information on bread work. And I’ve proven it.

king street station - eat bread 90, places - bread diet- healthy - bread myths

I want people to use the info on to fight the common misconception of bread.

Know that all the information we have collected here is based on science. Thus information will be great to share with your families and friends that have all of a sudden developed a disliking for bread. They somehow become this way because some website selling new age remedies has turned them away from grains and wheat.

If you’re a baker, I hope you use our EatBread90 blogs to help you in your bread journey. I’ve created enough information for you to help you in your business. As you know, I have a soft spot for bakers. Check out my blogs on Days 12, 58, 62, 75, and 90 for innovative ideas.

For the Love of Bread

Because of you, I am working on our next project: Body by Bread. I can’t talk too much about it right now, but it does involve a community that supports bread and whose lifestyles are bread centric. So stay tuned.

It’s been an awesome and life-changing journey. Thank you for reading this blog, thank you for your tremendous support. Thank you for loving bread. This couldn’t be possible without you. Thank you.

Lin EB90cpodcast 2, pitching a loaf, podcast-bread diet- bread myths-whole grains healthy diet

bread basket low carbs

Is Avoiding Carbs in Your Diet Smart?

In 1972 Atkins came out with a diet that would dramatically change our love affair with bread: low carbs! The low-carbohydrate diet promotes reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein-based calories. Bread was suddenly on the do not consume list.

Along with the diet came a marketing media fest. Diets focused on low carbs are still the first suggestion many of us hear when we want to shed belly fat and lose the spare tire. So there must be something to low-carb eating and weight loss, since the story is still going strong 40 some years later, right?

Sure, you might lose weight on a low-carb diet. If you are very diligent you will lose weight, initially.  But what happens over time? By 2004 it was clear that the Atkins diet was falling out of favor. Avoiding carbs on a daily basis takes a lot of work, and reading all those labels is time consuming.

While most people following the low-carb diets did have initial weight loss, many could not maintain the diet as a lifestyle.

The issue with low carbs

Did you know there are actually some risks associated with eliminating carbohydrates from your diet? According to the Mayo Clinic:

If you cut carbs suddenly from your diet, you may experience the following:

  • Headache
  • Bad breath
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation or diarrhea

The risks are side effects of a process called ketosis. Ketosis occurs when your body does not have enough carbs from food to burn for energy. In order to provide the energy needed for daily functions, your body begins to burn stored fat. The liver converts fatty acids to ketones and releases them into the bloodstream to use as energy. The body is burning its own stored fat — this is great!

Though you will see weight loss, ketosis can be very dangerous for people with type 1 diabetes. The body converts to ketosis when it does not have enough glucose to burn as energy. Glucose levels are of major importance to people with diabetes. A high level of ketones in the blood indicates that insulin levels are off, and the blood becomes acidic, leading to a condition known as ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis can lead to a diabetic coma or even death in those with type 1 diabetes.

low carbs bread diet

Can I still eat carbs and lose weight?

Foods rich in carbohydrates, such as bread, provide the body with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Studies have shown that long-term restriction of carbohydrates can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, bone loss, and gastrointestinal disturbances. Eating protein and fat for the long haul can also increase the risk of heart disease. In fact, the American Heart Association strongly recommends a diet with whole grains.

Going low-carb is the most popular fad diet to date. The initial weight reduction of 5 pounds many experience is due to water loss. After a few days on the diet, ketosis kicks in and the weight keeps melting off. Tricking the body into thinking it is starving in order to shed pounds, eating like an early hunter-gatherer, or even eating a pound of bread a day are not sustainable.

Most lifestyles that promote long-term health and optimal weight share a few things in common: realistic portions, balanced diets (including vegetables, grains, and proteins), and plenty of exercise.

Avoiding bread may help you shed a few pounds initially. But isn’t life more enjoyable when you don’t have to? Our own study here at EB90 has shown you can eat bread every day and not gain weight. Just take a look at Dr. Carson’s weekly weigh-in if you don’t think it is possible.

basket of bread diet important

Is it Important to Eat Bread in Your Diet? Day 78 and 79

I’ve heard that over and over again from people who are trying to lose weight. It is really misleading when someone says that the simple act of cutting bread out of your diet will magically make you lose weight. The immediate follow-up statement usually goes like this: “carbs are bad for you.”

Carbs are not bad for you. Based on a 2,000 caloric intake, a daily intake of 300g worth of carbohydrates is recommended. Everyone should at least eat 120 – 130g each day to meet the minimum required for your brain to function. In bread talk, that’s about 3 slices of bread a day.

It’s true, if you cut something out from your diet, you will lose weight because your daily habits surrounding that food changes and your consumption becomes more limited. This can be applied universally to all types of food, not just bread.

Why keep bread part of your diet?

Bread should be part of everyone’s diet because it is a conveniently nutritious product. If you followed my journey, you would have noticed that I consumed bread that is healthy and easily obtained off the supermarket shelve. You do not need to make these breads yourselves, nor do you have to specially order it.

Why are you eating a loaf? What are you trying to prove?

If this journey said, “I’m eating 3 slices of bread a day, and bread is not killing me” would you believe me? But I ate a pound of bread a day, 12-14 slices, and still, it hasn’t done anything bad to me or my weight. Now do you believe me that bread is not bad for you?

How do you eat so much bread in one day?

I’ve pretty much spaced out my bread eating all throughout the day. Anyone in our office will tell you that I’m stuffing my face with bread all the time. My children will tell you that all I eat is bread at the dinner table. If the clock is ticking, and I’m not in bed, I’m eating bread.

Don’t you get sick of eating so much bread?

Never been and never will. My critics, or the Bread Police (they seem to be hanging around in the office) keep asking me that question in hopes of seeing a white flag. I think the answer is pretty simple. I’ll never get sick of something I love eating. I’ve been loving this journey, and will continue to love eating bread, even after 90 days.

bread diet important

My days worth of delicious rolls with a beet salad.

Here’s what I ate on Days 78 and 79 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Day 78
Bagel 2 (100g) 420
Fritatta Croisant 80g 300
Purple Wheat Raisin 5 slices (39g) 400
Ravioli and Sausage 1 C 300
Canale 200
Steamed Brocolli 1C 30
Orange 1 orange 45
Total 1695
Day 79
Bun Rolls 1lb 1200
Beet Salad 2C 250
Croissant 240
Pork Watercress Noodles 1C 200
Marie Biscuits 5 100
Cherries 1C 74
Run -200
 Total 1864


white bread

Is Artisan Bread Healthier than White Bread? Day 71 and 72

Centuries ago, eating white bread meant you had status. White bread was served to the elite classes while the peasants continued to suffer with crusty whole grain loaves. How the times have changed! I know everyone loves to hate white bread these days. It seems to embody the distrust consumers have of industrially manufactured foods. But are artisan breads like sourdough healthier than white bread?

The use of bleached flour and the addition of dough conditioners, emulsifiers, and mold inhibitors are seen as unhealthy and blamed for our modern health issues. As consumer preferences have begun to shift to more wholesome ingredients, artisan bread began gaining in popularity.

Dave's killer bread-white bread done right-healthier than artisan bread

But what exactly is artisan bread and is it any healthier than industrially produced white bread?

Artisan bread is loosely defined as bread that is produced using traditional methods and ingredients.

Choice of flour type, length of fermentation, and how the bread is made are important characteristics for an artisan loaf. Dough is generally made in small batches with a more hands on approach. With the rise in popularity, the manufacturing of artisan loaves has been scaled up to embrace some modern conveniences. Due to the minimally processed and clean ingredient declaration consumers believe this to be a healthier bread.

A recent study tried to answer the question – Is artisan bread healthier than manufactured white bread?

20 healthy adults participated in a randomized crossover trial of two 1-week-long sessions. Participants consumed traditionally made sourdough-leavened whole-grain bread or industrially made white bread widely available for the study.  Test subjects ate standardized meals calculated to have 50 g of available carbohydrates.

During the white bread intervention period, subjects consumed 3 meals of 110 grams white bread, and 3 meals of 113g white bread + 30g butter. Sourdough meals consisted of 3 meals of 145 g sourdough bread, and 3 meals of 149 sourdough bread + 30 g butter.

The test showed no significant difference between consumption of traditionally made sourdough-leavened whole-grain bread or industrially made white bread on the participants. The study does point out that both types of bread had had very personal results on participants.

What are you telling me? Is there really no difference between sourdough bread and white bread nutritionally?

While one person might have a blood spike after eating white bread another may person experience the same thing eating artisan sourdough. Another measure that was dependent on individual participants was gut biome. The researchers found that the microbiota composition remained generally stable and person-specific throughout the trial.

So there you have it! There’s no nutritional difference between sourdough and white bread. This week’s white bread of choice? Dave’s Killer Bread White Bread Done Right. Mind you, their white bread has 10g of whole grains!

brats white bread

Bratwursts off the grill. Yum!

Here’s what I ate on Days 71 and 72 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Day 71
Bagel 1(100g) 210
DKB 21 G 4 Slices (45g) 480
DKB WBDR 5 Slices(40g) 550
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Berry Cream Cheese 2 Tbsp 50
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Orange 1 orange 45
Stir Fried Vegetables 125g 36
Sweet sour chicken 275
Total 1986
Day 72
DKB 21 G 4 Slices (45g) 480
DKB WBDR 5 Slices(40g) 550
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
Cherries 1C 74
Roasted Zucchini 1 C 68
Calcium Supp
Bratwurst w hot dog bun 1 260
 Total 1752


bread whole grain

Whole Grain Bread is a Whole Food

Whole grain bread is a whole food. A quick look at Dave’s Killer Bread 21 whole grains and seeds nutritional panel shows a food that is low in saturated fat (0g), a good source of dietary fiber (3g), and a good source of  manganese (25%). Let’s take a look at the benefits of eating whole grain bread and the nutrients found in them.

What are the benefits of low saturated fat?

Saturated fat can be recognized by its ability to stay solid at room temperature. Think about coconut oil, butter, and lard – they are all solid when left on the counter. Those are the obvious examples. Saturated fat can be kind of sneaky when it comes to processed foods. Aside from being incredibly tasty, pizza,bacon, donuts and ice cream are high in saturated fat.

So, what is the big deal? Why is the American Heart Association against fun foods?

It comes down to a pretty major disease known as heart disease. Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death in the US. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 614,348 people died from heart disease in 2014.

And 23.4% of all deaths were from heart disease.

What does that have to do with whole grain bread? Well, decades of scientific research have proven whole grains can lower your “bad” cholesterol and lower your risk for heart disease. Eating foods that are low in saturated fats can give you a 23.4%  better chance to live to 101.

whole grain bread, whole grains, fiber, heart, healthy, diet

What are the benefits of dietary fiber?

You have probably heard that we all need to eat more fiber. Whole grain breads that contain at least 3% dietary fiber can  positively affect your  health. Did you know that eating high fiber foods can make you feel fuller longer?  This is because the fiber slows the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream. This slow absorption keeps blood glucose from spiking then falling rapidly. That feeling of hunger is due to rising and falling glucose triggering us to overeat. Foods high in fiber also keep your intestines working properly. Think of fiber as an internal loofa! It cleans bacteria and waste buildup in your intestines reducing the risk of colon cancer and keeping you regular.

Forget about those new cleansing diets where all you do is drink juice; a few slices of whole grain bread with your favorite spread will help you go with the flow!

What are the benefits of manganese?

Whole grain bread is full of essential minerals. What makes minerals essential? All that means is that your body requires these workhorses to continue to function. Essential minerals are categorized by how much our bodies need. You are probably most familiar with the macro minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur. However, there are also important trace minerals our bodies require such as iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium.

Manganese is a mineral needed in trace amounts by our bodies. Manganese is found in the bones, liver, and kidneys. It is an essential part of many important enzymes involved with energy production, bone and ligament formation, protein and fat metabolism. More study is needed to fully understand how this trace mineral help our bodies function, but researches have learned that deficiencies in manganese can result in arrhythmia, epileptic seizures, abnormal bone, cartilage and disk degeneration (Campbell 2001).

How can you get whole grains in your diet?

Whole grain bread provides some pretty great health benefits when eaten as part of your diet. Aside from the benefits of low saturated fat, being a great source of fiber, and containing many essential minerals it is incredible versatile. You can eat it with an endless selection of toppings from sweet to savory or just toasted with some butter.

When choosing a whole grain bread check for these ingredients on the label:

  • whole wheat
  • graham flour
  • oats
  • brown rice
  • whole-grain barley
  • whole-wheat bulgur
  • whole rye

If you would like to learn more about the health benefits of eating whole grains, check out the research published in the Journal of Nutrition:

If you would like to learn more about essential minerals and your health read:

  • Campbell, J.D. “Lifestyle, minerals and health.” Medical Hypotheses 57.5 (2001): 521-531.
Daves Killer Bread whole grains nutrtional pannel

Nutritional panel for Dave’s Killer Bread 21 whole grains and seeds.

Eat bread 90

You’re Being Paid for Eating Bread: Day 47, 48 and 49

Someone said that to me today, to which I replied, “I wish, but don’t you think free bread is payment enough?” I mean, could I not be more thankful than eating the thing that I love the most at no additional cost to me! A loaf everyday? Honestly, no one needs to pay me for eating their bread, or to get a feedback on it.

If you’re in this industry baking bread, I know you do it out of the good intention of your heart. I’ve met all kinds of bakers through the years, and the most passionate of all of them are the bread bakers. They know the art, the science and how hard it is to truly bake bread and make a successful business out of it. Bread bakers are the most hardworking food manufacturers in the world.  With every bite I take from a bag of bread, I am truly thankful for their product that makes it all the way into our homes. Nobody needs to pay me for saying this.

Returning to Derek’s Spanish Inquisition yesterday, where he said I was overdoing it: well, maybe. Even my mom tells me I’m overdoing this diet. “No rice? Are you crazy?” She shakes her head in disappointment as I skip her very special Singaporean sambal fried rice. I feel the need to push this needle on eating as much bread as I can, so that I can persuade people on the fence that bread is safe to eat. There are too many people falling onto the other side with all the misinformation.

I need to make this information available so that that they can make an informed decision on the types of diets they go on. Derek also said that a high carb diet is hurtful to people, together with that much gluten.


Eating a high carb diet will not kill you (unless you are diabetic, you should stay away from a diet like this). It gives you plenty of energy to burn fat, and it reduces your cravings. Together with an active lifestyle (mine is about 35 mins of exercise everyday), a high carb diet is beneficial to maintaining weight.

Eating a total of 2 oz of gluten per day (there is about 2 tablespoons in a pound of bread) will not suddenly make you allergic to gluten. That is much less protein, than most paleo or keto diets, and much safer because it is a plant-based protein. Honestly, many dieters are downing bacon, hamburgers and sausages in larger quantities, and they are definitely not developing allergies to pork anytime soon.

This is not to mock people who are celiac or have gluten intolerance, but to provide the fact that gluten is a protein. Like any other protein in a normal active person, it doesn’t get preferential treatment nor is it singled out during digestion as a more problematic protein to digest. Gluten is a safe plant-based protein, and you should not be threatened by it.

I can go on and on about how bread can be part of a healthy diet. I hope bread companies can use the information that I share here to educate people on how safe eating bread can be. In addition, I’m not just one data point. I am an example of utilizing the information science has given me to help me guide my diet.

Use Science. It will make you love bread and carbs again.

I received a handful of Dave’s Killer bread today. In their new line of organic bagels, the Epic Everything and Cinnamon Raisin Remix bagels are seriously awesome. Haven’t tried it? Well, true to their brand, they delivered. Packed with 27 g of whole grains and 12 g of protein in each bagel, these bagels were epic-ly delicious!

Strawberry cream Cheese with the Cinnamon Raisin Remix bagel. eating bread

Strawberry cream Cheese with the Cinnamon Raisin Remix bagel.


Grilled Mozzarella Cheese on 21 Whole Grains and Seeds.

Grilled Mozzarella Cheese on 21 Whole Grains and Seeds.


Fried Egg and Cream Cheese on an Epic Everything Bagel.

Fried Egg and Cream Cheese on an Epic Everything Bagel.


Honey Oats and Flax French Toast with Maple Syrup and a side of bacon.

Honey Oats and Flax French Toast with Maple Syrup and a side of bacon.

Here’s what I ate on Days 47, 48 and 49 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Day 47
21 Whole Grains and Seeds 6 slices (45g) 720
Cinnamon Raisin Remix 1 bagel (95g) 250
Epic Everything 1 bagel (95g) 260
Mozerella cheese 3oz 240
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
Sauteed Spinach 1 C 48
Apricot Sugar-Free Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Fried Egg 1 78
Orange 1 orange 45
Berries &Mango Fruit Salad 1 C 120
Spring rolls 2 100
Bike & Walk -300
Calcium Supp
Total 2021
Day 48
DKB Honey Oats and Flax 7 slices (42g) 770
Cinnamon Raisin Remix 1 bagel (95g) 250
Epic Everything 1 bagel (95g) 260
Greek Salad 400
Egg (for French Toast) 1 78
Pizza 1/2 Slice 300
Banana 105
Bacon 2 strips 90
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
Butter 2 Tbsp 120
Apple 1 95
Coconut water 2 C 100
Bike -300
Run -500
Total 1888
Day 49
DKB Honey Oats and Flax 4 slices (42g) 440
21 Whole Grains and Seeds 3 slices (45g) 360
Cinnamon Raisin Remix 1 bagel (95g) 250
Sourdough bread 95g 200
Turkey sandwich 200
Philadelphia strawberry cream cheese 1 Tbsp 35
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
Apricot Sugar-Free Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Butter 2 Tbsp 120
Cobb Salad w Steak 600
Fruit Salad 2 C 150
Run -250
Total 2265


eat bread 90 eating lots of bread

Eating Lots of Bread Can’t be Healthy: Day 45 and 46

Here I am at the halfway point. It feels like I’ve been doing it forever because I’m so used to this diet now. A friend of mine, Derek, caught up with me and we talked about me eating lots of bread. “Surely, you’re not showing this diet you’re on is a healthy diet, eating this much bread can’t be healthy, and you can’t promote eating so much bread.”

Really? I can’t? It was time to tell Derek that he’s not getting the correct information from the correct source.

This is exactly why I went on this diet challenge, without this journey, I can’t prove my point: EATING BREAD DOES NOT MAKE YOU FAT OR UNHEALTHY.  To further prove my point, I’m eating as much bread as a woman my age can humanly do. I believe Derek was trying to do an expose on my journey, and I wasn’t going to crumble under his questions. He is a strong believer in a low carb diet, which was the reason for his recent weight loss. We had a strong discussion on calories in and calories out, and I asked him to check out the calorie math that I have logged so far on my journey. I consume about 14,000 calories per week in total. After exercising an average of 35 mins every day, I was able to target about 2,000 almost every day.

There is no magic to this. I’m able to keep to my target weight, even after eating lots of bread every day because the math is right.

This is no secret. Nutritionists have practiced this method for ages. I’m not doing anything new, but try to fight the wrong keto and low carb information out there about bread.

Softgrain Sprouted Rye_eating lots of bread

Softgrain Sprouted Rye bread from Puratos.

Is eating lots of bread healthy?

“You can’t recommend this diet to anyone, it’s dangerous,” he said. Well firstly, I don’t recommend eating this much bread, because it takes a lot of effort to eat that much bread in a day and to maintain your weight. Secondly, I doubt if anyone is going to follow my steps to eat bread at every hour, it’s too troublesome, and definitely not a catchy diet to sell. I asked Derek why he thought it was unhealthy, and he said it was too high in carbs and so much gluten is not good for my health.

And there you have it, my friends. This information is roaming freely around the internet, yet there is no one to challenge it but on this blog.

While I’m trying to fight all this information about bread and healthy eating habits, I’m supported by the folks at Puratos, who sent me delicious crusty softgrain sprouted rye Artisan bread.  It took me 2 days to finish a loaf each. I love eating crusty artisan style bread. Thank goodness, this journey has it rewards, or I would have given up some time ago.

Reception EB90

At a reception with so many food choices. It’s easy to go wrong without my bread diet.


A healthy sprouted grain artisan loaf by Puratos.

Luckily, I brought my sprouted grain artisan loaf. Here, I ate it with about 1/2 Cup of Ceviche.

Here’s what I ate on Days 44 and 46 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Day 45
Sprouted Grain Bread 1 loaf 1100
Smoked Ham 4 Slices 60
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Ceviche 1/2 C 100
Apricot Sugar-Free Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Orange 1 orange 45
Justin’s Nut Butter 2 Tbsp 190
Bike -100
Coconut water 1 L 180
Calcium Supp
Total 2015
Day 46
Artisan sourdough 1 loaf 1100
Salami 6 Slices 180
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Butter 4 Tbsp 400
Apricot Sugar-Free Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Orange 1 orange 45
Papaya 1C 67
Steamed Brocolli 1C 30
Apple 1 95
Run -300
Calcium Supp
Total 2057


wheat-grain-eat bread 90

You Can Eat Bread on Paleo with This! Day 31

When Holista Foods sent in their paleo bread, I was puzzled. Why make bread that has no grains? I don’t understand. So I did some research.

The Paleo Diet

Simply put, it emulates the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, and it advocates consumption of unprocessed animals and plants, including meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. I don’t know where bread fits into this diet. If you study the diet itself, it gets boring after a while, and there needs to be a carrier for all these fish, meat and eggs.

Paleo bread from Holista Foods-.

Paleo bread from Holista Foods.

Therefore, someone created the paleo bread, using a flour blend of coconut, almonds, seeds and eggs.

And because it’s made without grain, it is also a gluten-free bread. Some of there other benefits include:

  • All Natural
  • Clean and Clear Label
  • Non GMO
  • No Grains
  • No Dairy
  • No Soy

It is a difficult bread to make, so hats off to Holista Foods who makes it possible to make a great tasting product!

Here’s what I ate on Day 31 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Holista Foods® Paleo Bread 1 loaf (300) 219
Holist Foods® Low GI Bread 6 slices (25g) 334.5
Apple 1 95
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Deli Chicken Breast 3 slices 50
Almond and cashew nut butters 2 Tbsp 190
Grilled Pork 2 oz 150
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 160
Orange 1 orange 81
Spaghetti with meatballs 2 C 400
Coconut water 2 C 100
Calcium Supp
Bike -100
Total 1979.5


eat bread 90-Q&A

Bread Q&A: What Kind of Bread is Good for You & Other Questions

For a food as simple as bread, there are lots of questions about it! What kind of bread should I eat? How many kinds are there? Who came up with that whole sliced bread thing? Here are a few answers:


What kind of bread is good for you?

The key with picking out a healthy loaf is the ingredients. If the label says it has whole grains and seeds, then you are getting the most vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein that can be packed into bread. There are also breads that have lower amounts of sugar. However, generally speaking, bread won’t hurt you!


Will eating a loaf of bread a day for 90 days make me fat?

Maybe, it depends on what you are sandwiching between the slices.  Are you slathering gobs of Nutella on every slice? Or buttering each slice? Or eating 8 tuna fish sandwiches every day? Or spending your days munching on peanut butter and banana sandwiches?  Or crafting super cheesy grilled cheese sandwiches? The kind of bread influences some things as well.


How many types of bread are there?

There are endless varieties of bread. New forms of yeasty deliciousness are dreamed up by bakers all the time. Grocery stores typically have over 50 different varieties of bread on their shelves at all times.  And that doesn’t include in-store bakeries.


What proves that bread is a staple of our diet?

Because of all the common expressions that involve bread.  When we are not eating it, we are talking about it.  Think about how many sayings have risen out of our obsession. No matter how you slice it…breadwinner…bread as another word for money…asking which side is your bread buttered on…and the list goes on.


How long has bread been around?

Bread has been around since the Egyptians invented a grinding stone to crush wheat into flour. Historians believe that the idea of combining yeast with the flour and other ingredients happened accidentally when a pot of hot wheat cereal was left over night and yeast naturally developed.


When did bread start rising in popularity?

Bread got its lucky break with the invention of the sandwich in the mid 1700s when John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, summoned his chef to put his steak between two slabs of bread so he only needed one hand to eat his dinner so he could keep playing cards and gambling with his friends.


Who invented sliced bread?

Sliced bread has probably been around since it was first baked in loaves.  An official bread slicing machine was invented in 1912 in Iowa. And it took about 15 years after that in Missouri to set up the first production line for bread that included baking uniform sized loaves, slicing them, and bagging them for easy transporting and sales.


What do the colored tags mean?

Bread is delivered to grocery stores five days a week and the plastic tags are color coded by the day the bread was baked. The colors are alphabetized to correspond with the days of the week, so Monday is Blue, Tuesday is Green, Thursday is Red, Friday is White, and Saturday is Yellow. Now you know what to look for when you want to buy the freshest bread at the store.

 kind of bread, variety, bread diet, loaves,

whole wheat- grain- eat bread 90

Happy to Eat Whole Wheat: Day 11

100% Whole Wheat from Oroweat.

100% Whole Wheat from Oroweat®.

I was on the go again today, baking at the Wheat Marketing Center and making it to meetings. My pile of sandwiches was packed into the bread bag and went with me wherever I went.  It’s Day 11 now, people around me should be comfortable with me eating bread and talking at the same time.

Today’s bread of choice is Oroweat® 100% Whole Wheat. I love whole wheat bread because it is made from whole wheat flour. Yes, the whole wheat! Many have forgotten that the wheat grain is one of the world’s most nutritious grain. It is an excellent source of dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and highly bioactive phytochemicals, which are antioxidant compounds that fights cancer.

We all need more wheat

We are truly lucky to have wheat grow in abundance in America, yet it puzzles me why there are so many people who are anti-wheat these days. Besides providing excellent nutrition, whole wheat has many benefits like reducing the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

With so much research showing whole wheat flour as a super food, I want to bring awareness that this can be taken advantage of by consuming whole wheat products like this 100 % whole wheat bread.

Here’s what I ate on Day 11 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Oroweat® 100% whole wheat 12 Slices (38g) 1080
Justin’s® Nut Butter 2 Tbsp 190
Nature’s Hollow Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 4 Tbsp 80
Favorit Cherry Preserve 1Tbsp 50
Philadelphia strawberry cream cheese 1 Tbsp 35
Apple 1 95
Beef Noodles 1 C 200
Crackers 1 pkt 390
Total 2120