Sun and Sprouts: Day 33

This week again I was surprised with 2 boxes of sprouted bread from Alvarado St. Bakery. So I guess you’ll be hearing me talk a lot about them. The unique thing about Alvarado St. Bakery is that they sprout their grains and seeds all at the plant with the use of solar power.  Solar powered sprouts? Yes, I’ve found another deeply passionate baking company!

I gave Michael Girkout, Director of Marketing, a call for an interview. I wanted to learn more about how they are depending on solar power, how the red kitty Greta was in charge of food safety, and most importantly, why they are not located on Alvarado St. Hear more about this interview on Podcast #5.

Least to say, I enjoyed their sprouted onion poppy seed bagel with ricotta cheese and pesto, and had a wonderful day eating their sprouted whole wheat bread.

Fresh baked bread waiting to be sliced on a solar powered line.

Fresh baked bread waiting to be sliced on a solar powered line.


This was Greta taking her naps in between catching rodents at the bakery. Greta left the bakery in the '80s and has since passed on.

This was Greta taking her naps in between catching rodents at the bakery. Greta left the bakery in the ’80s and has since passed on.

The Alvarado St. Bakery logo with Greta on it.

The Alvarado St. Bakery logo with Greta on it.

Here’s what I ate on Day 33 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Alvarado St. Bakery® Sprouted whole wheat 10 slices (38g) 900
Alvarado St. Bakery® Onion Poppy Seed Bagel 1 Bagel (95g) 250
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Orange 1 orange 45
Homemade Pesto 1 Tbsp 80
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 160
Steamed Broccoli 1C 35
Butter 1 Tbsp 100
Pan Fried Chicken 113g 230
Almond and cashew nut butter 2 Tbsp 190
Apple 1 95
Orange 1 orange 81
Coconut water 2 C 100
Calcium Supp
Bike -200
Total 2121